ThingWave is at the Gothenburg Artificial Intelligence Alliance Conference
GAIA organizes a one-day conference for people with an interest in artificial intelligence and data science with a focus on what is going...
GAIA organizes a one-day conference for people with an interest in artificial intelligence and data science with a focus on what is going...
ThingWave is now an IBM Business partner! ThingWave is together with the support from IBM, creating a new cloud solution for safer and...
ThingWave's Industrial IoT rockbolt won the ABI pitch contest! We make the bolts smart. We have received a good response from the...
ThingWave is collaborating with Boliden, Ericsson, and Luleå University of Technology in the PIMM project to test the next generation of...
ThingWave attended the Industrial Internet Summit in Sydney, Australia Feb 15-16, 2017.
Demo day, 16th of November from 15:00 to 19:00 at ABI center.
ThingWave was at Euro Mine Expo, Skellefteå Kraft Arena, Sweden June 14-16, 2016.
ThingWave will present its products at the upcoming IoT World event in Santa Clara, California in May 2016.
Two research teams at Luleå University of Technology have won SEK 400 000 each on a pitch contest for innovation in the mining industry....
The IPSO Alliance presents the $10,000 Grand Prize winners of IPSO CHALLENGE 2015, “The Smart Rock Bolt”, developed by Luleå University...