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ThingWave's 5G-enabled convergence sensor for underground mines!

ThingWave is proud to unveil our latest innovation in mining monitoring - a 5G-enabled convergence sensor for underground mines! ThingWave’s new sensor can effectively detect the convergence of tunnels and the tilt of walls and other load-bearing structures. Any indicated deformations are swiftly reported to the client, providing real-time insights and ensuring proactive anomaly detection. The use of wireless communication enables fast and trouble-free installation of convergence sensors! Moreover, you can easily move the sensor to a new location if necessary.

• Easy Installation: Our sensors are designed for fast and trouble-free installations, reducing downtime and ensuring efficiency of your operations.

• Time Synchronization: No more worries about syncing multiple sensors. Our devices handle time synchronization effortlessly, streamlining data collection.

• Versatile Connectivity: Choose the connectivity option that suits your needs-5G,mesh, or Wi-Fi (BLE coming soon). Enjoy flexibility without compromising on data transfer speed and reliability.

• The produced data can be visualized in ThingWave Cloud, or in ThingWave RealMine3D.

Stay tuned for more details and how this technology will transform the mining landscape!


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